TNE impact case study: Qatar Partnership

University of Sussex, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre (ROLACC)
Collaboration type:
Flying faculty
SDG Goals:
(16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
United Kingdom, Qatar
Li Camm - Head of Global Partnerships

Background and overview of the case study

In 2016 the University of Sussex established the Masters level LLM programme in Corruption, Law and Governance, taught out of the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre (ROLACC) in Qatar. The Attorney General of Qatar, Dr. Ali bin Fetais Al-Marri, was pivotal in the setting up of this uniquely interdisciplinary LLM. The aim of the course has been to help students based in the Middle East understand more about how to best conceptualise and ultimately tackle corruption. The programme doesn’t offer a simple toolkit of what to do to tackle malfeasance, as such a toolkit simply isn’t available. Rather, it helps students understand the different forms that corruption takes, why they are so difficult to counteract and what can, can’t and might be feasible in trying to do something about them.Using a flying faculty model, , from as far afield as Sudan, the USA, Ghana and of course Qatar, have been completing the two-year, part-time programme. The creation of the LLM TNE programme has also contributed to the establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Masterclass (IACMA) in 2017 - a unique series of lectures in the field of anti-corruption, financial criminal policy and sustainable development aiming to improve human capital, empower professionals, inspire youth and transform societies in Qatar, the Gulf and MENA region and world-wide.

Impact and value

Assessing the impact and value of the successful completion of the LLM Corruption, Law and Governance programme can be combined with considering the impact of the International Anti-Corruption Masterclass lecture series. These activities have made a valuable contribution towards achieving  the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, as well as the UNODC Doha Declaration on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the Qatar National Vision 2030. Beyond the impact of the students themselves as they enter institutions and businesses within their local communities, the IACMA series has also raised awareness of the pivotal role played by academia in educating professionals and future generations in anti-corruption, ethics, and responsible, transparent and sustainable governance. 

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